
Posts Tagged ‘Steak’

Freakin’ Fantastically Fun Friday!

February 26, 2010 2 comments

Or as I like to call it, “FFFF.” Much to the discontent of anybody within range of my spit.

So, my very dear and amazingly awesome friend Erin (visit her blog here) was sweet enough to include me in a post concerning her favorite blogs that she enjoys visiting, so I figured I should probably cook up a nice little post. Had some fun stuff happen in the past couple weeks, so here’s a rapid fire update for you, starting with something incredibly exciting.

I got a haircut.

Okay, okay, I’m sorry.

I grilled a heart-shaped ribeye for Jenn and me on Valentine’s Day.

I used a new seasoning on it that I hadn’t used before, much to the delight of my easily amused palate. Jenn loved it, too. She cooked a mean pot roast that day for lunch. Our V-Day gift to each other was to stay at home and cook for each other. Best V-Day ever, seriously.

It snowed shortly before V-Day.

Just a little.

Some jerk kids knocked over our snowman. Here’s a dramatic reenactment of the discovery from after our second snowman fell over on its own…

Also, here’s Maddie catching a snowball.

Words With Friends is awesome. Here’s a screencap of the most epic opening word I’ve ever started a game with.

You can see my username on there, so feel free to challenge me. It’s a fun little diversion when I have some downtime at work.

I found this really awesome artist who makes some killer poster art based on favorite comic book characters. Here are two of my favorites, Green Lantern and Iron Man.

I especially love that GL poster. I mean, GL’s my favorite in general, but that’s just cool in its simplicity. Wish I had it framed for my nonexistent man cave. Heck, might as well throw in that Iron Man poster, too, if we’re talking nonexistent things. 🙂

Let’s see, what else? School’s going okay, graduation’s getting closer and closer. Work’s going fine, even though I’m beyond ready to move up into the world of teaching.

Jenn and I doing marvelously. We had our first premarital counseling session with our pastor and his wife last Sunday, and we’ll do our second/last one this Sunday. Planning the wedding and the honeymoon have really brought us together as a team more than ever before, and it makes me all the more excited to tackle life together with her.

Speaking of the honeymoon, I’ve been using Yelp and this excellent book to assemble a “bucket list” of sorts of restaurants and other stuff we have to check out while we’re in Kauai. It’s turning into quite a list, and I’m having a blast compiling all this info. There’s so much to do during the week that we’ll be there, and we’re so freakin’ excited about it. 🙂

Guess that’s about it for now. I hope you have a blessed and FFFF.

Excuse me, I need to get a paper towel.

Steak ‘n Dawgs.

May 26, 2009 Leave a comment

How was your Memorial Day weekend? Mine was pretty nice. Friday night, Jenn and I went to the Parks Mall so she could find a dress. She managed to find exactly what she wanted at the very first store we went to, which was just awesome. Had dinner at Buck n’ Loon’s after that. Tried their Frito Pie, which was quite delicious. Tried their queso for the first time, too. It was VERY good.

Saturday, Jenn went to a wedding shower for a girl at church. I had some “man time” while she was gone. Munched on leftover Frito Pie while watching “Band of Brothers” on the History Channel. Yep, MAN TIME. LOL! It was a nice relaxing afternoon. After the wedding shower, she and I went back up to Frisco to the LEGO Store, so I could get my bag of goodies for volunteering at the grand opening event. I got a gift card as part of my swag, so I used that toward a couple of LEGO sets for Jenn and me. I’ll have a post about the big set we got later on, because I’m waiting on an email from her with what she wants to say about it. 🙂

Anyway, had dinner out there at California Pizza Kitchen, which was pretty sweet. I had their Buffalo Chicken Pizza. It was pretty amazing, except for the celery. Made it taste, like, Chinese. I wasn’t really feeling it, so I picked them off. The best part, hands down, was that the pizza had Gorgonzola cheese on it instead of mozzarella. WOW.

Sunday was a pretty good day. We met Misty, Chris, Sarah, and Amber (w/baby Wyatt) for lunch at the new Which Wich? in South Arlington on 360. I had The Wicked, which consisted of five meats and three cheeses, along with the veggies I had added on. Definitely my new favorite. I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to convince myself to try anything else there from now on.

Yesterday, Jenn’s parents and aunt and uncle came over to eat for Memorial Day. Jenn’s dad and I grilled steaks and hot dogs, and we had quite a spread like we always do on holidays. Plenty of leftovers too, so Jenn and I are gonna have chili dawgs for dinner tonight. 🙂

Well, now that I’ve pretty much done nothing but blog about food, I’m going to get eat lunch. Adios.

Photo Booth Shot of the Day:

Ooooh, Poooong.

Ooooh, Poooong.


May 20, 2009 Leave a comment

I totally didn’t blog or take my PBSoD yesterday. Unbelievable. I’m so sorry, I know you’re crushed. I can change, please don’t leave me!

Yesterday wasn’t even that busy. I had a few computer issues I had to go fix, but nothing that totally ruined my day. Just slipped my mind I guess. I turn 27 in twelve days, I must be getting senile in my old age. Heck, I don’t even know what I want to do for my birthday this year. Last year’s party was a blast, but I don’t know if I want to do the same thing again or try something different. I’m not really a huge fan of celebrating my birthdays in a public locale, ie. Dave & Buster’s. … Well, that’s not totally true, but I’m still not sure what I want to do this year.

I cooked dinner last night for Jenn and me. Grilled some steaks and sliced them up to put in tacos. It was pretty darn tasty, if I do say so myself. Enjoyed a nice quiet night in and watched the Dancing With The Stars finale. Yes, I enjoy Dancing With The Stars. And you can have my Man Card when you can pry it out of my cold, dead hands. Hey, I’m secure enough in my masculinity to enjoy shows like that with my sweetie pie. Heck, I’ve got the guts to tell you right here and now that I enjoy watching Grey’s Anatomy and Desperate Housewives. So pick yer jaw up off the floor and deal with it, Charley, because I am all that is man.

If it makes you feel any better, “I prefer Dos Equis.”

In other news, I won the Photoshop contest over on Steve’s blog! I can’t wait to see what I won. So awesome. 🙂

Photo Booth Shot of the Day:

Obligatory Pop Art Filter PBSoD

Obligatory Pop Art Filter PBSoD


April 21, 2009 Leave a comment

Okay, here’s the pictures of the crawfish boil that I meant to post yesterday. 🙂 Click below to see the full set:

Crawfish Boil in Little Elm

Crawfish Boil in Little Elm

Also, here’s some pictures of us building a LEGO set for the Frisco LEGO Store:

Behold the Emerald Night!

Behold the Emerald Night!

Last night we went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse for my future brother-in-law’s birthday. Had a pretty incredible steak there:

The Dallas Filet.  Its life-changing.

The Dallas Filet. It's life-changing.

So yep, that about covers it.

Photo Booth Shot of the Day:

If you take a good look at each pic, you can tell whether or not Im alone in my office when I take every days pic.

If you take a good look at each pic, you can tell whether or not I'm alone in my office when I take every day's pic.