
Posts Tagged ‘Choir’

Ho ho ho.

December 17, 2009 Leave a comment

Been real busy this month! Biggest thing was probably wrapping up my next-to-last semester of college. One more semester, and then I’ll be done forever. 🙂 I’ve been enjoying this past week of not having to go to school in the evenings. It’s nice to be able to relax with Jenn, eat dinner at a normal time, and just generally not having a whole lot to do. Makes me look forward to being done with school even more.

Can’t believe Christmas is just over a week away. We had our Christmas program at church last Saturday. Jenn had an awesome solo right at the beginning, when the choir sang “Joy To The World.” Erin and Kevin had an amazing duet during “Ring The Bells,” which made Jenn and me even more impossibly excited about having them sing at our wedding. Click on the picture below if you’d like to see all the pictures I took:

We had the choir Christmas party at church last night. We watched the DVD of the Christmas program, ate several different varieties of cheese log (Jenn’s is SO my favorite), and then went caroling through the neighborhood behind the church, which was cold but quite fun! The only part I was sad about was the party was basically over soon as we got back. I wish we could have all sat around just a little bit longer and had some laughs. Though we did get to have plenty of that at our Refuge Christmas party, which was a total blastie blast.

Once I’m done here at work today, I’m heading up to the FLC at church to help Matt setup his blog that he wants to start. I tried to convince him that if he wanted to connect with his Youth, he needed to call it “Kilo 4 Christ” (his last name is Killough). But he said that was a loser name. Hey, if the shoe fits. O SNAP. Anyhoo, after that, Jenn and I are going to ol’ Arlington High School to see their Christmas orchestra concert. I am SO excited we’re going, I haven’t been to my old high school in several years. And the Symphony orchestra does Sleigh Ride every Christmas, so I can’t wait to see that again. The memories, they will be a-floodin’ back into my noggin, I tell you what.

Can’t wait for Christmas Eve/Day. Jenn and I are going with my family down to West to see my grandparents on Christmas Eve. Then we gotta fly back here pretty quick after lunch so we can get ready for the Christmas Eve service at church, because Jenn and I (with the assistance of the epically talented Dr. Gordon Page) will be doing “O Holy Night.” I am very excited about that, I haven’t played a candlelight service in several years, at least not since I was going to St. Andrew’s UMC. Anyway, once all that’s done, we’ll spend Christmas day with Jenn’s family, which is always a treat. 🙂

So what are your plans for Christmas? Got anything big planned, or are you just staying home for the holidays?


May 21, 2009 2 comments

That’s what my coworker says instead of “defrag.” I think I’ll stick a couple of other quotes of his in here that he says as I’m typing this.

My goodness, is it Friday yet? This week has just been like pullin’ teeth for me. There’s been some kind of problematic problem every single day, be it with a computer, or seventeen computers, or an irate teacher. Right now, there seems to be a reasonable amount of calm. I’m able to sit here and type this entry, which is a nice little bit of respite in an otherwise wacky day. Oh, shout out to Kilo for joining my ever-growing list of daily readers. I think I’m up to three now. WHAT UP, PLAYA.

“How you spell ‘corral?’ Ihdat wit a ‘o’ or a ‘a?'”

I’m really sore right now. I think I slept funky last night, because I woke up with a pretty nasty stiff back. I was having little back spasms every time I’d bend over just the slightest bit to do anything. It’s better now, since I’ve been on the move nonstop here at work and have had a chance to stretch everything out. But now my arms are hurting a bit, too, though I think it’s just because I strained them a bit pulling a couple of mobile lab carts earlier.

“Ooooh, she gotta vah-rus on hura!”

Those suckers are way heavier than they look, even the smaller models. Kids are never in a hurry to get out of my way in the hall. It’s only after they get accidentally smacked with the corner of a cart that they realize the cart is roughly twice as heavy as they are… And that happens pretty often. I think it’s funny, personally. I always warn them, but they almost never listen. As a consequence, *whack*!

“Das stoopid! Why she wunna know dat PIN numbah? Jus stoopid.”

I got to go to choir last night with Jenn, since I’m off from school for a couple weeks. I love getting to go whenever I can, and I look forward to being able to attend regularly after I graduate. I love hearing those people sing, it’s just awesome. They’re working on a couple of gorgeous songs right now, and I can’t wait to hear them in church. We (orchestra) are playing with them next Sunday for a special performance, so I’m definitely looking forward to that.

“Now… WHY they do dat? Explain dat to me, Collinz. Why you think they do dat?”

Oh, speaking of graduating, I got my grades for this past semester today. Passed everything okay, including Trig. Know what that means?


Photo Booth Shot of the Day:

CRAP! WHO OPENED THAT DOOOOoooooorrrr.......

CRAP! WHO OPENED THAT DOOOOoooooorrrr.......